Important Alert: Google and Yahoo will require DMARC starting from April 2024.

DMARC API: Record Generator, Lookup & Reports Documentation


Want to set up and monitor authentication protocols for your emails within minutes? Get started with our DMARC API! 

As an email authentication SaaS platform, we know how important it is for you to have a secure, reliable way to ensure that your emails are received, read, and trusted by recipients. We’ve designed our DMARC API (Application Programmable Interface) to give you complete control over your email authentication strategy.

Benefits of DMARC API Integration

Our extensive DMARC API allows you to manage all aspects of your email authentication workflow from within your existing systems.

Easily integrate with third-party tools so that they can seamlessly access data such as reports and analytics without having to send any requests directly through the PowerDMARC platform.

How Does DMARC Boost Your Brand?
How Does DMARC Boost Your Brand?

What makes our DMARC API perfect for you?

  • Built on coming-of-age technologies like JSON, it’s simple, yet powerful and easy to use helping you scale your productivity from the minute you are onboarded
  • From integration to management, we are there for you at every step! Get round-the-clock support from our technical support team
  • We help you customize our authentication tools, reports, and policies according to your business needs