Why is Phishing so effective?

Why is Phishing so effective 01 01 01

Why is Phishing so effective 01 01 01

Reading Time: 4 min

Phishing is an effective and dangerous cybercrime because it relies on people’s inherent trust in the internet. The idea that criminals would be able to fool you into giving up private information is hard for most people to believe, which makes it easy for even well-meaning people to fall victim to a phishing attack.

Key Factors that make Phishing an effective and dangerous cybercrime

Phishing is a common cybercrime that can be easily committed and hard to detect. Although phishing has been around for decades, it’s still a major threat to both businesses and individuals.

For example, they may send an email that appears to be from a legitimate company (like Google) asking you to log into your account on their website. If you fall for this trick, your username and password are stolen!

That’s why even though we know better than to open an email from someone we don’t know or click on links in emails sent by people we don’t know, we still do it sometimes—because our brains want us to believe that these things are safe!

How to detect Phishing Attempts?

Make sure the email sent to you is genuine

If you’re not sure whether it’s real or not, there are a few things you can do to check. First, if the person who sent it is someone you know (like your boss), just call them up and ask if they really sent it. If they say yes, then go ahead and do what they asked. But if they tell you no… well then, maybe something fishy is going on!

Second, look at the email address: does it look like an official address from the company? Often times these kinds of emails will be sent from an address that ends with “mailinator” or something similar—that means it isn’t actually from them!

Authenticate your messages

To keep the guesswork out, you can consider authenticating your email messages using reliable protocols like SPF, DKIM and especially, DMARC. Authentication can help domain owners prevent a wide range of cyber attacks including spoofing, phishing, ransomware and BEC

Look for telling signs

  1. Look for misspellings, bad grammar, and other errors in the email. Most phishing emails will have at least one error in them because they are created by scammers who aren’t native English speakers.
  2. Look for links in the email. If the link directs you to a website that isn’t associated with your bank or online store, then it’s probably not safe to click on it.
  3. Verify any phone numbers that are listed on the email using a trusted source like Google Voice or Skype before calling them back—even if they seem legitimate! You can also call your bank directly without sharing any sensitive information over the phone if you’re suspicious of an email request.”

Read our detailed guide on Common Indicators of a Phishing Attempt.

How to avoid getting phished?

To avoid being scammed, follow these tips:

  1. Never click on phishing links in emails or text messages unless you know where they’re coming from (and if they ask for personal information).
  2. Look at the email address of the sender and compare it with their real email address (if they’ve given this out). If it doesn’t look right or there are spelling mistakes or other errors, don’t open it!
  3. Enforce your DMARC policy to p=reject (note that shifting to DMARC enforcement should be a gradual process, and it is always recommended to start with p=none)
  4. Educate your employees about email attack vectors and best practices by undergoing a free DMARC training

Final Words

Not only do phishing attacks put your network at risk for data breaches and malware infections, but they also cost companies millions in lost revenue and reputational damage every year (according to IBM). The best way to prevent these attacks is through awareness, early detection and effective preventions. 

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