Preventing Domain Spam – How to Get Whitelisted Quickly?

Preventing Domain Spam - How to Get Whitelisted Quickly_
Reading Time: 6 min

Domain spam is a common problem these days. It is the practice of sending unsolicited emails in bulk to many recipients. These emails can be harmful and can infect your computer with malicious programs. 

To prevent domain spam, email marketers need to be allowed by the major email service providers (ESPs). In this article, we will discuss how to get unblocked quickly and effectively.

What is Domain Spam?

Domain spam refers to unsolicited emails that are sent to a large number of people to promote a product or service. These emails are often sent from domains with a bad reputation and are classified as‌ malicious or phishing by multiple well-known domain and DNS blocklists.

Types of Domain Spam Blocklists

Domain spam blocklists can be categorized into IP-based and Domain-based. Let’s look at them:

IP-Based Blocklists

Mailbox Providers use Real-time Blocklists (RBL) and Domain Name Server Blocklists (DNSBL) to identify if the IP address of the sending server belongs to a sender that allows other servers to connect and ship from their system (open-relays), are known spammers, or an ISP that allows spammers to use their infrastructure.

Domain-Based Blocklists

These blocklists are based on the domain name of the sender’s email address. They are used to identify domains that are known to send spam or have been compromised.

Reasons Your Domain is on a Spam Blocklist

Domain names like “amazon.com” or “google.com” are the unique identifiers of websites that your audiences and web users use to find information about your company and look for your services. Spammers can use your domain name to create fake or misleading websites that look legitimate and trick users into clicking on malicious links or downloading harmful software. Using domain names to circulate malicious content could lead to them being flagged as spam.

There are several reasons why your domain might be on a spam block list. Some of the common causes include:

What Does Whitelist Mean?

Whitelisting in domain spam means adding a domain name to a list of trusted senders who can send emails to your inbox. This can help you avoid missing important emails from legitimate sources that might otherwise be blocked or filtered by spam filters. 

Whitelisting can also improve your email deliverability and reputation, as it shows that your domain is verified and trusted by the major email service providers (ESPs).

Why Should You Whitelist a Domain in Gmail?

Whitelisting a domain in Gmail means adding a domain name to a list of trusted senders, bypassing spam filters. This can help you receive important emails from legitimate sources without being marked as spam or missing out on valuable information.

There are different reasons why you might whitelist a domain in Gmail, such as:

How to Whitelist an Email? 

Let’s have a look at various methods to get whitelisted quickly:

1. How to get Whitelisted in Gmail?

Here’s how to whitelist an email address in Gmail and ensuring emails from them always land in your inbox:

That’s it! Emails from the specified address or domain will now bypass the spam filter and land straight in your inbox.

Bonus Tip: You can also whitelist an email from the spam folder itself. Open the email, click the three dots, and select Not Spam. This creates a filter that automatically whitelists the sender.

2. How to Whitelist a Domain in Office 365

Let’s have a look at step-by-step procedure for whitelisting a domain in Office 365:

Bonus Tip: You can also whitelist individual email addresses using the same steps. Just enter the address instead of the domain in the “Allow domains” section.

3. Whitelisting an Email in Yahoo

Here’s everything about how to whitelist a domain in Yahoo:

Tips to Preventing Domain Spam

There are many ways that spammers can get your site in trouble. Here are some tips to help you prevent them from getting there.

Final Words

Domain spam is a serious threat to email marketing that can damage your deliverability and reputation. To prevent domain spam, you need to be allowed by the major email service providers. This means that your domains are verified and trusted by them, and your emails are less likely to be blocked or filtered.

To get whitelisted quickly, you need to follow some best practices, such as registering your domains, using reputable hosting services, implementing security measures, and providing value-added content to your recipients. Doing so can improve your email marketing performance and avoid domain spam.

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