Important Alert: Google and Yahoo will require DMARC starting from April 2024.

Whois IP Lookup Tool

Uncover Whois IP Information for Any Domain or IP with Our Lightning-Fast Whois Lookup Tool!

Whois Checker

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Whois Domain Lookup

Whois Domain Lookup

A Whois domain lookup tool allows you to find information about a registered domain name, such as the registrant’s contact information and the date the domain was registered and last updated. Whois information is maintained by registrars and is publicly available, allowing anyone to look up information about a domain name.

The Whois protocol allows anyone to query a Whois server for information about a specific domain name, IP address, or autonomous system number.

Whois IP Lookup

Whois IP Lookup

Whois IP lookup tool allows you to find information about a specific IP address, such as the organization that owns the IP address and the date the IP address was first registered. Whois information for IP addresses is maintained by regional Internet registries (RIRs) such as ARIN, RIPE, and APNIC.

This information can be useful for troubleshooting network issues, identifying the source of spam or other unwanted traffic, or for security investigations.

How does a Whois IP Lookup work?

The Whois protocol allows anyone to query a Whois server for information about a specific domain name, IP address, or autonomous system number. IP Whois information is maintained by registrars and is publicly available, allowing anyone to look up information about a domain name.