MSP Case Study: Reformed IT Simplifies Email Authentication Management for Customers with PowerDMARC

reformed it

Since implementing PowerDMARC for all of our clients, it’s created a much easier process for both onboarding, monitoring, and making changes, even if we aren’t in control of the DNS services.”

Joe Burns, Co-founder and CEO of Reformed IT


Company Name: Reformed IT 

Websites: https://www.reformed-it.co.uk/

Customer Type: MSP Partner 

Region of Operation: Midlands 

Reformed IT, a managed IT solutions provider for organizations in the Midlands, faced the challenge of manually configuring and managing email authentication for their clients. This process was error-prone, time-consuming, and difficult to monitor. Seeking a solution to streamline email authentication management, they turned to PowerDMARC’s MSSP Partner Program.

Key Takeaways

  1. Manual configuration and management of email authentication can be error-prone and time-consuming.
  2. PowerDMARC’s centralized dashboard simplifies the management of DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records.
  3. Implementing a streamlined email authentication process improves the security and integrity of email communications.
  4. Enhanced monitoring capabilities facilitate easier onboarding and modifications to clients’ email settings.
  5. Efficient customer support and competitive pricing make PowerDMARC a valuable partner for managed IT service providers.

The Challenge

Before adopting PowerDMARC, Reformed IT struggled with manually configuring and monitoring clients’ DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records. This not only consumed valuable time and resources but also left room for errors. It was ultimately jeopardizing the security and integrity of email communications.


Simplify Security with PowerDMARC!

The Solution

PowerDMARC’s MSSP Partner Program offered Reformed IT a comprehensive solution to their email authentication management challenges. With a centralized dashboard, they could easily manage clients’ DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records. This simplified the onboarding process, monitoring, and making necessary changes, even when not controlling DNS services.

The Results

Since implementing PowerDMARC, Reformed IT has experienced significant improvements in its clients’ domain security management process. The hosted solutions provide ease of use, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and streamlined deployment of critical settings. This not only saved time and resources but also improved the overall security posture of their clients’ email infrastructure.

Moreover, PowerDMARC’s fast and efficient customer support and competitive prices compared to other solutions in the market, provided a feather in the cap of an already effective platform. 

Favorite Features

  1. Hosted DMARC 
  2. Human-readable DMARC Reports
  3. Hosted SPF 
  4. Hosted DKIM


In conclusion, PowerDMARC’s MSSP Partner Program proved to be a game-changer for Reformed IT. By simplifying email authentication management, it enabled them to provide better services to their clients while optimizing their internal processes. 

Through the lens of Reformed IT CEO Joe Burns, PowerDMARC emerged as a reliable partner in their mission to deliver efficient and secure email authentication management solutions to their clients.

If you wish to secure your client’s domain names like Reformed IT, through managed email authentication services – contact us today!

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