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Microsoft DMARC Aggregate Reports

Microsoft DMARC

Microsoft DMARC

The long-awaited roll-out is finally here! Microsoft is sending DMARC RUA aggregate reports to their users and chances are you may have not noticed it. Microsoft DMARC aggregate reports are sent from the following email address: The raw Microsoft DMARC aggregate file is sent in standard XML format. Microsoft has finally embraced DMARC reporting, which essentially means that now Hotmail, Outlook, Live, and users will be able to enjoy the various benefits of Microsoft DMARC aggregate data.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft is now sending DMARC aggregate reports to Outlook and Hotmail users, enhancing email authentication capabilities.
  2. The DMARC aggregate reports are in XML format, which can be challenging to interpret without specialized tools.
  3. PowerDMARC offers a reporting tool that simplifies the parsing and understanding of Microsoft DMARC aggregate data.
  4. RFC compliance issues with Microsoft DMARC emails may lead to delivery problems, causing reports to land in rejection logs.
  5. Setting up a valid DMARC record and monitoring tools is essential for gaining visibility and compliance across email domains.

Processing Microsoft DMARC Aggregate Data

PowerDMARC report analyzer parses the Microsoft DMARC aggregate data into an organized format that would aid you in processing it more efficiently.  

To help users avail of the benefits of aggregate report data sent by Microsoft, PowerDMARC’s DMARC reporting tool has been preconfigured to receive their reports directly on the platform. All that users need to do is add their domains on the PowerDMARC platform along with configuring the DMARC DNS record, while we process and present the reports in an easy and understandable way. Here you will find:

microsoft dmarc aggregate reports

Displayed above is a screenshot of our DMARC aggregate reports per organization displaying DMARC RUA data sent from Microsoft.

Simplify Aggregate Reports with PowerDMARC!

Issues you might be facing while handling Microsoft DMARC Aggregate Reports on your own

Microsoft DMARC Aggregate Emails are not RFC-Compliant

The primary issue that users have been facing with these emails containing reports being sent by Microsoft is that they do not conform to the RFC specifications for internet emails. While RFC 5322 chapter 2.1.1 clearly states that a line of characters must not exceed 78 characters, the BASE64 attachment data in these Microsoft DMARC aggregate emails is a continuous line without proper line breaks that exceeds the 78 character limit. The resultant RFC violation is the reason why most of these emails are landing up in the user’s rejection log instead of being delivered to their inbox. 

Raw XML files are hard to read

Much like the DMARC data sent by all reporting organizations, the raw RUA file is in extensible markup language (XML) that is difficult to read and understand.

Prerequisites for Receiving Microsoft DMARC RUA

To receive aggregate reports for your domains on, you need to ensure that you have a valid PowerDMARC record published on your DNS, along with a defined DMARC policy. Reporting organizations will then send aggregate report data to your specified web server or email address. This will help you gain visibility and DMARC compliance on your third-party email vendors which you otherwise have no control over. 

Protect your domains on Microsoft Office365 and others by starting your email authentication journey today. Get on board with a free DMARC trial or schedule a DMARC demo, and explore the benefits of implementing a robust email security posture at your organization!

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