What is DMARC and why do you need it?

What is DMARC and why your business needs to get on board

What is DMARC and why your business needs to get on board

Reading Time: 3 min

According to the 2019 Cost of Data Breach Report, from Ponemon Institute and IBM Security, the global average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million!

This cyberattack business is a lucrative one. 

In fact, Business Email Compromise generates higher ROI than any other cyberattack. According to the 2019 Internet Crime Report, it reported losses of over $1.7 billion. 

Cybersecurity measures and protocols are crucial to business continuity now more than ever.

According to the Verizon 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, 94% of malware was delivered by email.

Enter Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC). 

Yes, it’s quite a mouthful. But the time to protect your business email is now.

What is DMARC? DMARC is a relatively new technology.  It’s a technical validation policy that’s set to help protect email senders and receivers from all email spam.


DMARC has three main policy settings: 

The ways these policies are set up is entirely up to your organisation and how you want to handle unauthenticated emails.

According to the 2019 Global DMARC Adoption Report, only 20.3% of domains are publishing some level of DMARC policy of that only 6.1% have a reject policy in place.

Why DMARC is important for your business?

At this point, you’re wondering if you really need DMARC if you already have SPF and DKIM.

The short answer is yes.

But there’s more…

As of 2019, there were over 3.9 billion email accounts, and when you consider that 94% of malware attacks occurred through email, it absolutely makes business sense to do your very best to protect your email.

While the corporate uptake of DMARC has been slow, it’s essential to note that digital giants such as Facebook and PayPal have adopted DMARC technology.

Key Takeaways

We’re living in an era where cyberattacks are every businesses reality.

By not securing your email effectively you are opening your business up to all kinds of vulnerabilities.

Don’t let yours be next.



Take a look at how PowerDMARC can help you secure your business email today.

Simply click the button below to speak to an email security expert today


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