How to Fix “The DNS record type 99 (SPF) Has Been Deprecated”?

The DNS record type 99 SPF Has Been Deprecated

The DNS record type 99 SPF Has Been Deprecated

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You may have come across an SPF record warning sign saying The DNS record type 99 (SPF) has been deprecated. This is because it was discontinued in 2014. The blog will discuss more on the same. 

The Announcement of the Deprecation of DNS Record Type 99 (SPF)

The SPF development team imposed stricter policies during the initial days. This led to the emergence of the DNS record of type 99 (SPF). However, this SPF record deprecated in April 2014 as per RFC7208.

Presently, all SPF records should be published as a DNS TXT (type 16) Resource Record only.

The Reasons Behind “SPF Record Deprecated”

As per RFC7208 section 3.1, the regulations for assigning new DNS RR types were more uptight during the early development phase as compared to the present scenario. However, DNS servers and provisioning systems didn’t align well with the deployment of those DNS RR types which led to their obsoletion. 

The developers learnt it was more viable to switch to the TXT RR type for SPF implication. Since then the DNS record type 99 (SPF) has been deprecated.

The Impact of the Deprecation on Existing SPF Implementations

Alternatives to SPF for Email Authentication

Sender Policy Framework help email providers verify if a mail server is authorized to send emails from a particular domain. Its alternatives are DKIM and DMARC, however, uptime monitoring services help too. 

Updating SPF Configurations to Align with the Deprecation of DNS Record Type 99

If you are also seeing the DNS record type 99 (SPF) has been deprecated warning, then open the console and select the domain of the SPF record. Copy the values and create a record by choosing TXT as the record type. 

How to Create and Publish an SPF TXT Record?

Safeguard your business reputation by attempting the following steps to create and publish an SPF TXT record:

Step 1: Make a List 

The first step of SPF implementation is enlisting all the IP addresses permitted to send emails using your domain. This includes IP addresses of local networks and devices belonging to your team members, board members, and third-party vendors allowed to send emails on your behalf. Also, consider adding ESPs and in-office mail servers.

Step 2: Create your SPF Record

Once you have gathered the list, create your SPF record. Here’s what you have to do next.

Step 3: Publish the Record to DNS 

Your DNS manager is responsible for publishing the SPF record. Now, this could be an internal position or you can raise a request that your DNS provider does it for you.

Once you have published it, ensure using a free SPF record checker by PowerDMARC to have an error-free record.

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