AI-Driven DMARC Threat Intelligence

For Details Too Small for the Human Eye!

Beyond a point, monitoring every IP address that poses a spoofing threat to your domain becomes impractical. You need to know when a new malicious source pops up and be alerted when an attack is underway.

PowerDMARC’s DMARC Threat Intelligence (TI) technology is your personal sentry on 24/7 guard duty. Our AI-based threat detection service uses specialized algorithms to rapidly identify the global blacklists on which each IP is located and the sending hostname’s email reputation. All operating at a level of detail a human could never match.

AI-Driven Threat Intelligence

How DMARC Threat Intelligence Detects & Prevents Domain Spoofers

Predictive Threat Detection

Evaluate risk security scores of your IP addresses along with detailed insights into current and emerging cyber attack patterns and trends. 

Blocklisting Monitoring

Find out where the IP address or hostname is blocklisted by monitoring 200+ DNS and IP blocklists. 

Enhanced Visibility

You get total visibility on the attacker, including their web host and history of domain abuse.


As soon as they attempt domain spoofing, you get an alert in real time and see which IP address was responsible.

How the TI Engine Takes Down Domain Spoofers
Key Partnerships

Monitoring 100,000+ domains every second!