DKIM Setup Guide for SMEs
BlogA DKIM setup allows you to verify that the email you're sending actually came from your domain and has not been modified during delivery by any malicious third party.
What Is Malware?
BlogWhat is Malware? Malware is a type of software that can cause damage to your computer system. Malicious software can take over your computer, access your private information, or damage your files and data.
DMARC Requirements
BlogDMARC requirements are a list of necessities for a smooth email authentication rollout and enhanced domain protection. Let’s find out what these requirements are!
Email Multi-Factor Authentication
BlogEmail multi-factor authentication is a method of authenticating a user using more than one method. To enable multi-factor authentication, some use two-factor authentication while others deploy a multilayered approach toward sender verification
How to encrypt email?
BlogEmail encryption is the process of scrambling and disguising the contents of an email so that only the intended recipient can read it. How to encrypt email to enhance your security?
Cybersecurity Compliance 101
BlogCybersecurity compliance is a growing area of concern for many businesses. It is important that your business is aware of the cybersecurity requirements and has a plan in place to achieve compliance on emails, network, activities and more.