What is _domainconnect? Everything You Need to Know About the Domain Connect Protocol
Blogthe Domain Connect protocol is a non-commercial open-source standard that makes it easier for users to configure their DNS settings with a _domainconnect DNS record.
DMARC Record Format
BlogThe DMARC record format is important as it defines the framework for email sender authentication and policy enforcement.
How Effective Is DMARC?
BlogHow effective is DMARC? To help identify phishing attempts and inform end-users about fraudulent emails, many organizations use DMARC.
How Do I Monitor DMARC?
BlogHow do I monitor DMARC? Online tools and services can help you in this, making the overall process effortless and easy!
What is Typosquatting in Cybersecurity
BlogTyposquatting is the use of misspelled domain names to deceive users into thinking that the site they're trying to access is legitimate. The result? Users are directed to sites with malware or phishing attempts, which can lead to identity theft and other serious problems.
Understanding DNS Propagation: The Secret to Faster Website Load Times
Blog DNS can take up to 72 hours to update your DMARC record, but in most cases, it gets updated within less than 24 hours.