What Are Spam Messages?
BlogSpam messages are unsolicited or unwanted messages that are sent in bulk through various communication channels.
Understanding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: What They Are and How They Threaten Cybersecurity
BlogIn the security community, the term "zero day" refers to a vulnerability that has not been publicly disclosed or patched by a vendor.
DNS Servers – What are they and how to use them?
BlogA DNS (Domain Name System) server is a critical component of the internet that enables the translation of human-readable domain names into IP addresses.
How to Configure DMARC?
BlogTo configure DMARC, create a DMARC record, choose a policy, configure SPF and DKIM, monitor DMARC reports, and adjust the policy as needed.
Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS): What is it and How to Prevent it?
BlogMalware-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a model of delivering malware to attackers as a service, which allows them to access malicious software, tools, and infrastructure.
Understanding the Limitations of SPF in Email Authentication
BlogSPF limit on the maximum number of domain name system lookups and unalignment of the From address and domain may cause implementation errors.