DMARC Checker Tool

Use our tool for DMARC lookup and record validation

Use our free DMARC checker tool to analyze your record and conduct a quick DMARC record check. Get 100% accurate results about your DNS record’s validity and settings within seconds, and increase the deliverability of your legitimate emails.

DMARC Record Checker

Use this tool to lookup and validate your DMARC record.
Please enter a valid domain name, without http:// prefix

DMARC Status

This record has been correctly setup
This DMARC record is invalid

Record Checks

Valid DMARC record
DMARC policy
Aggregate Report (RUA) addresses
Forensic Report (RUF) addresses
Error Details

Tags Found

Tag Value Description
v DMARC Version
p DMARC policy
pct Percentage of emails to which the DMARC policy will be applied
rua Aggregate (RUA) reports URI(s)
ruf Aggregate (RUF) report URI(s)
fo The FO tag pertains to how forensic reports are created and presented to DMARC users.
aspf SPF alignment mode
adkim DKIM alignment mode
rf Format of failure reports
ri The ri tag corresponds to the aggregate reporting interval and provides DMARC feedback for the outlined criteria.
sp This tag represents the requested handling policy for subdomains.

Lookup and Validate your DMARC Record

Our DMARC checker online helps domain owners conduct a quick DMARC lookup to fish for possible errors in their DMARC record. More than just a DMARC validator, it is a DMARC diagnostic tool that gives you an in-depth analysis of your record. A DMARC check is essential to ensure that you have not erred while manually configuring your record. The DMARC lookup also confirms that your record is valid and fully functional.

What’s even better? Our DMARC record checker is completely free to use an unlimited number of times, no sign-ups or payment is required!


How to Use DMARC Checker?

To use our DMARC record lookup tool and conduct a quick DMARC lookup:

dmarc tool
  • Sign up for free on PowerDMARC and select DMARC record checker from Analysis Tools > PowerToolbox. Alternatively, you can visit our DMARC validator tool page for a free DMARC check

  • Simply enter your domain name (e.g in the DMARC check tool, and hit the “DMARC Lookup” button

  • Our DMARC tool will automatically initiate your DMARC check process, fetching results for DMARC validation and verifying your DMARC policy, RUA and RUF domain addresses, DMARC record syntax, and DNS settings.

Conduct a DMARC check from time to time with our DMARC inspector tool, especially after making modifications to your DNS records to ensure everything is working as it should.

Validate and Check DMARC Information In 1 Second

Our DMARC record checker tool is instant and accurate! The DMARC tool instantly becomes aware of whether or not DMARC is enabled for your sender domain and conveys the same on screen. You can check the status of your record in DNS by searching for a small green section under “DMARC status”:

You can also find the validity status under additional information about your record:

DMARC Record Syntax Explained

Getting your DMARC record syntax correct is the first step towards ensuring a valid record. Your record consists of several tags which represent specific instructions for receiving servers. Given below are some common tags you can add to your DMARC record, and what they stand for:

  • Version Tag: The version tag (v) specifies the version of the DMARC protocol being used. The syntax is: v=DMARC1;

    This indicates that the record follows the DMARC version 1 specification.

  • Policy for Domain Alignment: The policy tag (p) specifies the policy to apply to messages based on the alignment of the “From” domain with domains found in both the DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework) authentication results. The syntax is: p=;

    Possible policy values are:

    • none: No specific action should be taken.
    • quarantine: The message should be treated with suspicion.
    • reject: The message should be rejected.
  • Percentage Tag: The pct tag specifies the percentage of messages subjected to the DMARC policy. The syntax is: pct=;

    The value can range from 0 to 100. It represents the percentage of messages subjected to ‌DMARC policy. For example, pct=25 means that only 25% of messages should be subjected to the policy.

  • Reporting Tags: These tags specify where DMARC reports should be sent. There are two types of reports: aggregate reports (RUA) and forensic reports (RUF). The syntax for these tags is:

    rua=mailto:[email protected];

    ruf=mailto:[email protected];

    • rua: Specifies the email address to which aggregate reports (RUA) should be sent.
    • ruf: Specifies the email address to which forensic reports (RUF) should be sent.

Explore More DMARC Tools

Your Questions Answered

Why should I use a DMARC checker tool?
DMARC records, especially if configured manually, are prone to errors. Errors in your DMARC record can lead to problems in email deliverability, and even invalidate the protocol. By checking DMARC, you can make sure your protocol is functioning properly, and is devoid of any underlying errors, The process is effortless and instant and provides you with the confidence of validating your DMARC configuration.
Is the DMARC checker tool free to use?
PowerDMARC’s DMARC checker tool, along with our other DNS record checker and generator tools are completely free to use!
What if I need help interpreting the DMARC check results?
There are several DMARC check results you may come across while checking DMARC. Here are a few common results:
  • DMARC status valid: If you see “Valid” status against your DMARC record this means that your record is correct.
  • DMARC status invalid: If you see an “Invalid” status against your check, this means that your record is incorrect. It may be due to syntax errors or missing mandatory fields (like version and policy fields).
  • No DMARC record found: If you see this result, it means that the check couldn’t track down any DMARC record published on your domain. This may mean that you have not published a record for DMARC in your DNS yet. We recommend accessing your DNS management console to double check the presence of a DMARC record among your DNS records.
The advantage of using our DMARC validator tool is that we usually highlight the errors and explain the results of your check. However, if you still come across a result that you fail to understand, contact us for a free expert consultation.
How can DMARC implementation help you?
Authentication mechanisms like DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) help verify your safe list of email addresses and email content using SPF and DKIM respectively, prevent fraudulent emails and email scams, and allow mail receivers to send back information on policy records, suspicious emails, and alignment modes with the help of XML feedback through DMARC reports.
Your policy enforcement mode (p) allows you to select between three options and provide preferences to recipients of emails that DMARC does not authenticate. You can choose from the following DMARC policy:
  • Deliver it (none)
A relaxed mode where no action is taken against dubious emails, however, you continue receiving Aggregate XML reports and DMARC forensic reports on your email senders and email traffic sources
  • Keep it under review for later (quarantine)
A more strict mode wherein emails are lodged in the quarantine or spam folder, providing a certain degree of protection against email spoofing.
  • Stop the delivery (reject)
Minimize email fraud and protect your email reputation against impersonation with maximum DMARC enforcement policy at p=reject
What are the risks of DMARC?
While DMARC enhances email security, there are some potential risks associated with its implementation:
  1. Misconfiguration: Incorrectly configured DMARC records can inadvertently block legitimate emails or allow malicious ones to bypass security measures.
  2. False Positives: Aggressive DMARC policies like p=reject may result in legitimate emails being marked as spam or rejected, impacting communication with clients, partners, or customers. However, there is a possibility of that happening only if you haven’t properly authorized your sending sources. This is why domain owners use a DMARC monitoring tool like PowerDMARC to move to DMARC enforcement safely!
  3. Operational Burden: Implementing and managing DMARC requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance. This can be resource-intensive for organizations with complex email infrastructures. A hosted DMARC service helps relieve the stress of investing time and effort in DMARC management.
Do I need a DMARC analyzer?
A DMARC analyzer or management platform can greatly simplify the implementation, monitoring, and management of DMARC policies. DMARC analyzers provide insights into email authentication status, help identify authentication failures, and offer reporting and alerting functionalities. They enable organizations to fine-tune DMARC policies, track compliance, and mitigate risks associated with email domain abuse effectively.
How do I check for DMARC failure?
To check DMARC failure:
  1. Analyze your email headers
  2. Monitor DMARC aggregate reports
Often, DMARC fail can lead to email deliverability issues. You should be able to check for failures to make sure your emails are not getting blocked.
My DMARC record failed the check. What should I do?
If your record failed the check, here are some actions you can take:
  1. Analyze the results of your DMARC check: This can help you identify potential errors in your record, or shed light on why the check may have failed.
  2. Monitor your DMARC reports: Your DMARC reports can help you pinpoint emails that are failing to get delivered. By examining these emails you can take appropriate action against failed authentication checks and deliverability issues.
  3. Check your SPF and DKIM configuration: It is important to have correct SPF and DKIM records. Since DMARC depends on SPF or DKIM configurations to function, errors in these records may lead your DMARC record to also fail the check.
  4. Address any alignment issues: DMARC relies on alignment checks to ensure that the “From” header domain matches the domains authenticated through SPF or DKIM. If there are alignment failures, adjust your configuration to ensure alignment is achieved.
Consult a DMARC expert: Finally, if you are still facing issues with your DMARC implementation, talking to an expert at PowerDMARC can help!