BIMI Record

What is BIMI?

Go the Extra Mile For Your Brand, Go BIMI

Let’s talk what is BIMI! Your brand is the single most important part of your business that your customers associate with. It’s not enough to have great products and services — people need to recognise and trust your brand. It’s your personal seal of assurance, your business identity. The stronger your brand image, the better your chances are of getting through to potential customers.

BIMI Explained

Brand Indicators for Message Identification, or BIMI, is a standard that uses your brand presence to give your email more credibility. By affixing your brand’s logo on the emails you send, it acts as a second level of verification to let your customers know it’s genuine. Read more about the BIMI Implementation Guide now.

What is BIMI

Why Do You Need BIMI Logo?

So glad you asked. These are the best things about BIMI:

  • Brand Recall

    Every time you send an email, your customers will see your logo in their inbox, reinforcing your brand image.

  • Customer Confidence

    A familiar logo will be recognisable to customers as a brand they have a relationship with.

  • Email Deliverability

    An email that’s immediately identified as trustworthy is much more likely to reach inboxes and get clicks.

BIMI is one of the newest email verification standards out there. The quicker you act, the easier it will be to build your brand image. Sign up for a free BIMI now and get your own BIMI Record configured!