A Detailed Guide to Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI)

Here is your ultimate guide to getting your BIMI record and BIMI logo ready!


What is BIMI?

BIMI, or Brand Indicators for Message Identification is an email authentication protocol that affixes your exclusive brand-controlled logos to all the emails you send out via your brand’s email domain. You may be wondering that as the recipient of the email your email client is already showing brand logos. But what’s important is who is in control of the logos!

Usually, logos are automatically curated by email client vendors, pulling them from various sources. Different logos show up depending on different email clients and devices.

With the BIMI email specification, domain owners and brands are in control of their officially displayed logos, which are maintained consistently in all outgoing emails for supported mailbox providers. The brand’s official logo is the most essential identifying factor of your brand, therefore affixing the logo on every email received by your clients, partners, and employees builds up a sense of trust and assurance.

The BIMI logo on your email message instantly captures the receiver’s attention, makes a strong first impression in email inboxes, is the foundation of your brand’s identity, enhances security, demarcates you from your competitors, and fosters brand loyalty. BIMI logos are not only effective as an email security measure but have also become a feather in the cap of email marketers.

BIMI logo

How does BIMI work?

To implement BIMI, you first need to enforce your existing DMARC policy by setting it to either reject or quarantine.

After successfully enforcing DMARC you can avail of the advantages of BIMI in your organization’s email domain! Similar to any other email authentication standard, BIMI resides in your domain as a text (TXT) record.

The BIMI record(s) resides in the “_bimi” space of your DNS with the default BIMI record being “default._bimi”. The text part holds the identifier of the record version (v=BIMI1), URL to the logo (l=), and URL to the logo certificate (VMC) if available (a=).

A complete BIMI record would look like the following:

default._bimi IN TXT “v=BIMI1;l=https://url.to/your.file.svg;a=https://url.to/certificate.pem”

The Need for BIMI and Visual Verifications

It is purely human nature to rely on things that can be visually verified. BIMI sets itself apart from typical email authentication protocols like DKIM, SPF, and DMARC by allowing email senders to display their brand logos as a mark of visual verification that can have the following benefits:

4 Easy Steps to Start Your BIMI Journey

To get started with BIMI the following steps are required: